If you're thinking about spending money on ads to reach your target audience, you should spend it wisely. That is, somewhere with more than 2.9 billion monthly unique visitors and 5 billion daily interactions. similar to Google. Google Ads debuted just two years after Google.com, the world's most popular website. The advertising platform first appeared in October 2000 under the name Google Adwords, but in 2018 it underwent a rebranding and became known as Google Ads. Given Google's wide audience, it's likely that both you and your potential customers have seen (and probably clicked on) a Google advertisement. It's no secret that these days, the more effective and targeted your paid campaigns are, the more clicks they produce and the higher the likelihood that they will bring in new clients. So it should come as no surprise that businesses across all sectors are using Google Ads more and more frequently. You'll learn how to start advertising on Google in this g...
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